Pennsylvania Needs Choice

Our mission is to develop and advance self-directed programs of community-based long-term care services and supports for Medicaid-eligible people with disabilities and seniors that ensure full participant input, choice, and control in Pennsylvania.

About Us

Position Papers &

Data & Supporting Documents

Our Guiding Principles

  • Embracing Inclusion of all stakeholders in all aspects of Community Health Choices.
  • Urging True Choice in all programs through choice of provider
  • Urging True Control of services through embracing the principles of independent living.
  • Supporting Community Integration that ensures services are delivered in the most integrated setting.
  • Championing Empowerment through the principle of ‘Nothing About Us Without Us” so that individuals are at the heart of decisions that affect their lives.
  • Embracing Inclusion: Participants. Advocates, Caregivers, Providers and other community stakeholders must be provided meaningful and full participation in the development, design, implementation, oversight and improvement of Medicaid funded programs for HCBS/MLTSS.

  • True Choice: All HCBS/MLTSS programs shall provide participants with the real choices to choose any service delivery from at least three qualified authorized providers in their respective region.

  • True Control: All HCBS/MLTSS programs must embrace the principles of independent living, including choice, control and dignity of risk. Control means the unimpeded ability to self-direct their services, including hiring, training, scheduling, directing and terminating caregivers.

  • Community Integration: All HCBS/MLTSS programs must embrace the community integration mandate of the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Olmstead decision to deliver long-term care services in the most integrated setting appropriate to the individual’s needs in non- institutional, non-congregate settings. Most integrated settings does not include nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other institutional settings.

  • Empowered Together: Championing the principle of “Nothing About Us Without Us” we strive to amplify the voices of those we serve, fostering a future where people with disabilities and seniors are at the heart of decisions that impact their lives. United, we advance self-directed, inclusive, and person-centered care, ensuring that every individual thrives with dignity and autonomy in their community.

Members of the Coalition

Our coalition members include advocacy organizations and providers of various aspects,
community-based long-term care services and supports in Pennsylvania.

Joan Martin

VoicesForIndependence full color logo

Position Papers & Communications

Position Papers

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